Title: LIFE | VIDA | VIE
Year: ongoing video project started in 2006, coded in 2010
Type: Non-linear streaming video
Link: http://santi.tv/life
Youtube sample: http://youtu.be/Im1L9rNdeHg
LIFE | VIDA | VIE is a never-ending movie made with clips captured with a cellphone camera in low resolution. The files are randomized and edited in real time using Flash and Actionscript, and the experience for each user will be unique every single time they visit the project. There are more than 3700 videos in the ever-growing pool of clips that compose the project, each one of them ranging from very simple everyday things to very personal subject matter. The one common denominator of this project is the person that captures these videos - the author - and the final result is really a unique view into the author's life, turning the viewer into an accomplice and a voyeur, at the same time. This version is silent.
INFINITE SCROLL - A group exhibition - Art at Bay / praxis - curated by Danny Olda, April/May 2014
Requires the latest flash plug-in | Open in a floating window
LIFE | VIDA | VIE © 2010

Year: ongoing video project started in 2006, coded in 2010
Type: Non-linear streaming video
Link: http://santi.tv/life
Youtube sample: http://youtu.be/Im1L9rNdeHg
LIFE | VIDA | VIE is a never-ending movie made with clips captured with a cellphone camera in low resolution. The files are randomized and edited in real time using Flash and Actionscript, and the experience for each user will be unique every single time they visit the project. There are more than 3700 videos in the ever-growing pool of clips that compose the project, each one of them ranging from very simple everyday things to very personal subject matter. The one common denominator of this project is the person that captures these videos - the author - and the final result is really a unique view into the author's life, turning the viewer into an accomplice and a voyeur, at the same time. This version is silent.
INFINITE SCROLL - A group exhibition - Art at Bay / praxis - curated by Danny Olda, April/May 2014
Requires the latest flash plug-in | Open in a floating window
LIFE | VIDA | VIE © 2010