Every instant
is like a small death.
And every word you write,
and every object you create
is the only thing that remains
from one of those instants,
one of those previous deaths.
Art is independent of time.
Immortality is found in what you create.
And you think you can deposit
a piece of your life,
of yourself,
in an abstract,
timeless space.
In a mirror
that would preserve
the essence of its creator
at the precise moment of its creation
with the hope of finding some day
those seconds of life,
you have already lost.
Title: OCTOBREEvery instant
is like a small death.
And every word you write,
and every object you create
is the only thing that remains
from one of those instants,
one of those previous deaths.
Art is independent of time.
Immortality is found in what you create.
And you think you can deposit
a piece of your life,
of yourself,
in an abstract,
timeless space.
In a mirror
that would preserve
the essence of its creator
at the precise moment of its creation
with the hope of finding some day
those seconds of life,
you have already lost.
Year: 1992
Duration: 3'31"
Type: Video Art/ Kynetic Typography
Tool: Palette Graphique
Life = Death = Life ... a poem.
After Lover Man, this is probably my most successful video. It was created in France and it took over 24 hours to render frame by frame using a Paint Box and a remote PAL Betacam VCR.
I wrote the poem in Paris, in the midddle of a very existential moment in my life at the CIRNEA, in Montreuil.